# 202101 ## フルカラーLEDの3mmとかで1灯式オーディオレベルメータとして動作できないか ## [cloud-init Documentation — cloud-init 20.4 documentation](https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) ## k8s installation ## coding style - https://editorconfig.org/ - https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint - https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop - https://eslint.org/ ## [Locust - A modern load testing framework](https://locust.io/) ## [GitHub - opensaasstudio/plasma: universal server push middleware by using gRPC stream and Server Sent Events(SSE)](https://github.com/opensaasstudio/plasma) ## [GitHub - faressoft/terminalizer: 🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player](https://github.com/faressoft/terminalizer) - [ターミナルの操作を録画してgifにする「terminalizer」をさらに映えさせるためのTIPS - omuriceman's blog](https://omuriceman.hatenablog.com/entry/terminalizer) - [Terminalizerのススメ - Qiita](https://qiita.com/howking/items/2741808da0abeae85376) ## ffmpegでmp4からgifを生成 - `ffmpeg -i FAST-hue-demo.mp4 -vf scale=800:-1 -r 10 -b:v 5.0M FAST-hue-demo.gif` ##[None](https://twitter.com/miyahancom/status/1355841715131670536?s=21) ## railsのhttp status symbols ``` 100 :continue 101 :switching_protocols 102 :processing 103 :early_hints 200 :ok 201 :created 202 :accepted 203 :non_authoritative_information 204 :no_content 205 :reset_content 206 :partial_content 207 :multi_status 208 :already_reported 226 :im_used 300 :multiple_choices 301 :moved_permanently 302 :found 303 :see_other 304 :not_modified 305 :use_proxy 306 :unused 307 :temporary_redirect 308 :permanent_redirect 400 :bad_request 401 :unauthorized 402 :payment_required 403 :forbidden 404 :not_found 405 :method_not_allowed 406 :not_acceptable 407 :proxy_authentication_required 408 :request_timeout 409 :conflict 410 :gone 411 :length_required 412 :precondition_failed 413 :payload_too_large 414 :uri_too_long 415 :unsupported_media_type 416 :range_not_satisfiable 417 :expectation_failed 421 :misdirected_request 422 :unprocessable_entity 423 :locked 424 :failed_dependency 425 :too_early 426 :upgrade_required 428 :precondition_required 429 :too_many_requests 431 :request_header_fields_too_large 451 :unavailablefor_legal_reasons 500 :internal_server_error 501 :not_implemented 502 :bad_gateway 503 :service_unavailable 504 :gateway_timeout 505 :http_version_not_supported 506 :variant_also_negotiates 507 :insufficient_storage 508 :loop_detected 509 :bandwidth_limit_exceeded 510 :not_extended 511 :network_authentication_required ``` - helpers ``` def invalid?; status < 100 || status >= 600; end def informational?; status >= 100 && status < 200; end def successful?; status >= 200 && status < 300; end def redirection?; status >= 300 && status < 400; end def client_error?; status >= 400 && status < 500; end def server_error?; status >= 500 && status < 600; end def ok?; status == 200; end def created?; status == 201; end def accepted?; status == 202; end def no_content?; status == 204; end def moved_permanently?; status == 301; end def bad_request?; status == 400; end def unauthorized?; status == 401; end def forbidden?; status == 403; end def not_found?; status == 404; end def method_not_allowed?; status == 405; end def precondition_failed?; status == 412; end def unprocessable?; status == 422; end def redirect?; [301, 302, 303, 307, 308].include? status; end ``` - ref: [【Rails】APIモードで使えるHTTPステータスコードのシンボルまとめ - Qiita](https://qiita.com/terufumi1122/items/997e24dde87f807e3944) ## [Ubuntuで起動時に veth pair, bridge, netns を作成し接続する方法 - Qiita](https://qiita.com/ebiken/items/eef2559eab0d8f205cd1) ## [Network Namespaceを使ってLinuxのルーティングテーブルを分離させる - Qiita](https://qiita.com/Kaz_K/items/fd59fad45c10c97e9252) ## [systemdの.serviceファイルの書き方 - Qiita](https://qiita.com/masami256/items/ef0f23125cf8255e4857) ## [ip netnsコマンドの使い方(ネットワークの実験の幅が広がるなぁ~) - Qiita](https://qiita.com/hana_shin/items/ab078b5552f5df029030) ## perl helloworld - helloworld.pl ``` use re 'eval'; ''=~('(?{'.('[[).[|`%,,/`[/[@$'^'+)@@/^(@@@@@,@),@').'! "})') ```